Legal Notice


The Website is produced and managed by the company Homair Vacances, a public company with a capital of 329 072 345 EUROS, headquartered at Immeuble Le Derby, 570 avenue du Club Hippique, CS 20405, 13097 AIX EN PROVENCE CEDEX 02, registered on the Register of Commerce and Companies of AIX-EN-PROVENCE under the number 484 881 917 RCS AIX-EN-PROVENCE, SIRET N° 484 881 917 00013 and with an intra-community VAT number of FR07484 881 917. The Director of Publications for the Website is Mr Quentin Schaepelynck, Manager Director of Homair Vacances.

This Website is hosted by Kinsta - 8605 Santa Monica Blvd #92581, West Hollywood, CA 90069.

1. Security of Electronic Transactions

The bank details of Customers are transmitted in a fully secure manner, the data being encrypted by the SSL (Security Socket Layer) security protocol.

At the time of payment, the Customer is automatically directed to a partner's website via a secure payment system.

At no time does Homair Vacances have at its disposal the account details of its Customers. Payment is made directly to the Bank.

The use of the Website does not confer any rights on the User. Solely strictly personal use is authorised.

The Website and all of the elements which constitute it, including the domain names, the general structure, the texts, the graphics, the images, the databases, the sitemap, the logos, the sounds, the photographs, the icons and the other elements featuring on the Website are the property of Homair Vacances, regardless of whether the elements in question can or cannot be protected under current legislation, either by copyright or by any other means, excluding elements which originate from the partners of the Website
Protection of the Website and its constitutive elements falls under national and international legislation governing intellectual property rights.

Consequently, any reproduction and/or showing and/or distribution, in full or in part, of any content, electronic or otherwise, present or future, is forbidden without the express prior consent of Homair Vacances.

Any individual who contravenes this interdiction will be held legally responsible and may be prosecuted, in particular on charges of pirating.

Likewise, the information contained in the databases is protected under the Law of 1 July 1998. Thus an individual who extracts, or attempts to extract, data, whether totally or partially, may be held legally responsible.

All users are therefore prohibited from qualitatively or quantitatively extracting data from the databases available online at the Website and from using these databases in an inappropriate manner.

Copyright: Paul DUBUISSON - Noir Brillant, J.N. Guillo, Fotolia, Getty Images, Homair, V. Godefroid, Access Direct, G. Fisher, OT La Baule, J. Gleage, J. Lesage, J. Auvinet, A. Le Cloarec, Mairie de Sausset, OT Bayonne, V. Fabre, OT Argelès-sur-Mer, D. Cavaillez/NPS - New Phox Studio, ADT34, O. Maynard, G. Martin, CDT32, CC Pays d'Olmes, A. Hocquel, Vedettes Iles d'Or et le Corsaire-Le Lavandou, D. Chevalier, OT Porto-Vecchio, CRTCA, B. Gouhoury, P. Winfield, Ville de Charleville-Mézières, G. Oxley, Paris Tourist Office (A. Dupont, J. Lebar, Jacques H3D, A. Clément, M. Bertrand-Architecte : Ieoh Ming Peï), C. Milet, OT Fontainebleau, J.F. Benard, L. de Serres, D. Darrault, Disneyland Paris, C. Alet, J. Behr-Fotolia, Fundació Gala-Salvador Dalí, S. Lapique, Port-Aventura, OT Parme, D. Fabijanic, L. Igre, M. Babic, D. Fabijanic, J. Kopac, I. Pervan, Dronimages, iStock, S. Kempinaire, P. Rochel/Kot Illustration, F. Van Deelen/L'un & l'autre, Poloprod (Paul-Olivier Doury), Theory Films, Verbruci Visual Works, Aerofilm (Osvaldo Mussi), MyPhotoAgency / KoreBeau / Jean-Marc Pomme / Alexandra Lecomte / Pierre Roy / Timothé Gengembre / Antoine Piel / Michel Aguilar. Cover illustration: M. Laverdet/L'un & l'autre.

3. Data protection

Homair Vacances undertakes not to obtain information which would allow it to individually identify the User unless the latter communicates this information to it voluntarily by completing and sending (electronically or by post) the forms which are available on the Website.

Information and data concerning the User are necessary for the processing of orders and for commercial exchanges. This information is confidential. Homair Vacances may not transmit it to third parties, excepting its partners who are involved in the processing of the order.

In accordance with the data–protection law of 6 January 1978, you may at any time access the data in your name or concerning your personally which is held by Homair Vacances and request that it be modified or that it be deleted. In order to do so, you simply request this of us, either online or by post, specifying your surname, first name, address and, if possible, your customer reference number:

Homair Vacances Immeuble Le Derby, 570 avenue du Club Hippique, CS 20405, 13097 AIX EN PROVENCE CEDEX 02
This Website has formally submitted its request to automatically process information held under individual names to the Commission Nationale Informatique et libertés (CNIL), which accorded its authorisation under the number 1071348.

4. Cookies

When the User visits the Website, Homair Vacances may store a cookie on your computer. The cookie does not enable us to personally identify the User.

However, it does register information on how the computer which is used to visit the Website navigates the Website (pages viewed, date and time or viewing, etc.). The Company can then access information about previous visits to the Website in order to make access more rapid for the User.

Cookies are therefore only used by Homair Vacances in order to improve the personalised service which you receive.

We invite you to read our Cookies Policy which details all the cookies and provides information about the solutions to the acceptance/refusal of cookies.

Homair Vacances cannot be held responsible for any hypertext links used on the Website to direct the User to other Websites and/or to personal pages, and more generally to all currently available internet resources.

Homair Vacances can under no circumstances be held responsible for the content, information, services or products which the User may find on a Website to which he has been directed by a hypertext link from

6. Games , competitions and promotions

Homair Vacances may organise games, competitions and other promotions. The rules which are specifically applicable to each will be communicated directly to the user when these activities take place.

7. Newsletters

The User may, if he wishes, subscribe to the Marvilla Parks newsletters published by Homair Vacances. He will then receive emails which contain the latest news regarding the promotions organised by the Company.

In order to enhance the services which it offers, Homair Vacances may need to measure the number of clicks the User makes and the number of bookings generated.

The newsletters are free. The User may unsubscribe at any time by clicking directly on the relevant link in the electronic letters section.

8. Scope of contract

The General Conditions of Sale set out here, the legal information and the summary of the order sent to the Customer constitute together the contract and cover the full scope of the contractual relationship entered into by the parties.